HOA communication


Gini S sgini@hotmail.com

12:11 PM (44 minutes ago)
to PresidentmeEdLillieRuthTerranceYvonne
I have a copy of the by-laws that were signed in 2017.  I was told that there was a later version in 2019. I would like to have that copy.

Please email the 2019 copy to me.


President GCHOA

Attachments12:30 PM (25 minutes ago)
to GinimeEdLillieRuthTerranceYvonne
Here is a copy of the up to date Bylaws as of June 15 2019.  This copy is not signed but the GCHOA Recording Secretary has a signed copy of the Bylaws and that will be put on to the Blog 

Hope this is what you are looking for.


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