Message from your GCHOA Board

 Message from your GCHOA Board


President GCHOA

2:51 PM (2 hours ago)
to bcc: me
In response to inquiries from residents of Grand Cove Estates, the HOA board members wish to advise that going forward any and all HOA  board meeting minutes will be posted within a reasonable amount of time following the meeting.

The dates of the monthly board meetings are posted on the blog and are also posted on the information board located by the mail boxes

We urge you to keep informed by using this blog, https;// 

If anyone has questions, comments or issues they wish to present to the HOA board members you are more than welcome to request to attend a board meeting.

To request to attend a meeting forward your request, in writing, stating the nature of your request to any one of the HOA board members at least one week before the scheduled meeting.

All requests will be acknowledged and entered as an agenda item in the notice of upcoming meeting notes.

David Feenstra
President GCHOA


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