Board Meeting Minutes from June 4 2020

 From: President GCHOA <>

Date: Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 8:47 PM
Subject: Minutes of June 4 2020 GCHOA Board meeting
To: Gary Wood <>

Here is a copy of the minutes that I sent to Gary Woods Confirming the motion made to extend the elections and to extend the membership for one year   
Hi Gary I found this in my Emails. This is a copy of the Minutes of the GCHOA Board meeting June 4 2020  

CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am. on Thursday, June 4, 2020


On MOTION by L. Dahmer, SECONDED by D. Geiger the Minutes of the Meeting of May 7 were approved.  CARRIED

INTRODUCTION OF GUEST:  Ted Bridle was welcomed to the meeting and on MOTION by L. Dahmer, SECONDED by D. King  Ted Bridle was accepted as Ombudsman of the HOA.   CARRIED

CORRESPONDENCE:  The President indicated that he had received numerous letters, emails and phone calls from residents regarding the "reopening" of the community.  There has been continual discussions with Capreit (Carman and Lori) and each committee convenor has been consulted regarding the "reopening".

A letter has been received from Baker Planning Group with information on the new subdivision to be built on Oakwood Golf course.  It will be discussed further under new business. 

There is very little change from last month (issued 2 cheques - insurance and welcome committee).  

Social Director:   There have been no social activities since the shut down in March.  The St. Patrick Day event is still a possibility however, should any one wish a refund, it is available upon presentation of tickets.  There was a discussion about the food currently in the freezer and an inventory will be taken to help determine any future plans.. An email will be forwarded to residents regarding any decisions about future date and refunds.

Bill Neely has offered to put on a concert in the green area 

Club House Director:  Since the hall is closed there is nothing to report.


Vice President:  There is nothing to report


A few amenities have been opened:  trail, tennis courts, garden plots and admission to the sawhorse  by appointment with the office.  There have been requests for the pool and workshop to be opened.  The pool has issues regarding the change/washrooms and warm water that is supposed to increase the effects of covid-19.  Continued communications with Capreit as the government makes decisions affecting "reopenings"

Capreit approved a revised Canada Day Parade.  Parade will start at 1 p.m. and a band concert at 2 p.m in the green area.   David will ask the fire department, police and EMT to join in.  There was a discussion about serving free hot dogs but considering the issues involved, it was decided not to pursue this idea..  Everyone will be invited to join the parade (cars, bikes, golf carts, etc) and bring your own chairs and umbrellas to the green area . 

Once all the amenities are open, there will be a discussion with Capreit regarding expenditures.

The sign at the front of the community was donated by Signature Graphic free of charge.  Special thanks to them.

As mentioned in the correspondence, communications have been received from Baker Planning Group regarding the development of homes on the Oakwood Golf course.  An open house information session will be held in June.  They plan on starting the sewers this year or early next and a privacy fence will be put up between Grand Cove and the new development.  A copy of the correspondence will be distributed to the residents and the Board of Directors is now on the mailing list for future information which will be passed on to the residents   

There was a discussion regarding upcoming events ---- membership renewals in June, General Meetings, elections, etc.  

  All three Motions made By R Green Second By D Geiger

  General meetings will commence once the assembly of large groups is approved by the Government.

  There will be no elections in June 2020.  The current board will continue  until June 2021 at which time, elections will be held for various positions as if it  was June 2020.

There will be no "renewal of membership" fees collected for the year June 2020 -2021.  The loss of money due to this decision will be made up by not having a wine/cheese reception in the spring or fall. 

All Three Motions Carried 

The 50/50 draws approved earlier by Capreit will commence Canada Day and every Saturday until the fall.  Tickets will be $2.00 or 3/$5.00.  The details are being arrange by David and information will be sent to residents once finalized

It was with regret that we were advised that the male Swan had died

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  The next meeting will be at the Call of the Chair

ADJOURNMENT:  On MOTION by D. Geiger, SECONDED by D. King and meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m.   

David Feenstra
President GCHOA
David Feenstra
President GCHOA


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