HOA Concerns

 Concerns to be Addressed - Grand Cove Homeowner's Association


President GCHOA

Attachments12:21 PM (3 hours ago)
to bcc: me
The Board members of your HOA met with Capriet Management this morning July 14 2021
We have attached a letter/ email that provided the source of our concerns.
The 2 hour long meeting addressed all the items in the letter.
The high points of the discussion addressed canvassing and soliciting. This issue resulted in the decision
 that the share the wealth event can continue but Dave is not allowed to use the bull horn to announce
 his whereabouts. 
Items #4 and #5 resulted in the decision that there will be no structured fee schedule for any events
. The issue with this is that now there is a question as to what then is the advantage to being an 
HOA member?
 We ask your input as to what you would think would be the advantage to being a member now other
 than the fact that any events organized by the HOA are very reasonably priced.
Capreit did indicate that they would be sending out a correspondence to every resident of Grand Cove
 informing them of the changes they are implementing.
Capreit did indicate they are wanting to have open and honest communication between themselves 
and the residents, feel free to express your thoughts on these issues to Capreit management 

David Feenstra
President GCHOA
Attachments area


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