

President GCHOA

Mon, Sep 13, 3:28 PM (5 days ago)
to LoriJennyGraham, bcc: me
Hi Lori, Jenny, and Graham 

Is there something that can be done about the people in Grand Cove Estates speeding?

Some of the residents have put up signs asking people to Please slow down (and they have been removed).
Today I was walking and saw a car pass another car on Pebble Beach. Something has to be done about this or someone is going to get hurt.
Can Capreit put up more speed LImit signs or can we get a digital sign up that shows their speed?

Could Capreit put up cameras on Pebble Beach to identify who  the Drivers are? (If people know they are being watched they may slow down).
Can Capreit send out an email to encourage residents to slow down and to have them tell their visitors to slow down too? 

David Feenstra
President GCHOA


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