HOA Meeting October 20

 minutes of hoa board meeting october 20


Ruth Green

Sat, Oct 30, 2:05 PM (23 hours ago)
to davidfeenstra@rogers.commejumpy1943@hotmail.comgwood@hay.net2021socialdirector@gmail.comvpgchoa@hay.netRuth
                                                       BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF HOA OF GRAND COVE ESTATES
                                                              WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2021 AT 10:00 A.M.
                                                                       JACK SHACK

PRESENT:  D. Feenstra, President; S. GoslingFletcher, Vice President; G. Wood, Treasurer; R. Green, Secretary; D. King, Ombudsman; G. Trepanier, Social Director; E. Cassady, Club House Director; 

CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was Called to Order at 10:05 a.m.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES:   On MOTION by G. Trepanier, SECONDED by D. King, the Minutes of the Board of Directors of HOA were approved.  CARRIED.

CORRESPONDENCE:  There was no correspondence

TREASURER'S REPORT:  The financial statements for 2020/21 were distributed and will be circulated to the residents,
On MOTION by E. Cassady, SECONDED by R. Green, permission was granted for TD access cards to be issued to D. Feenstra, President and G. Wood, Treasurer.  CARRIED.


SOCIAL DIRECTOR REPORT:  An updated Activities List was distributed.  There was a brief discussion about the work load covered by the Social Director.  In view of the reduction of work due to Covid, the issue will be discussed at a later date.

The Social Director's  Report gave detailed information on upcoming events.  The amount of money allocated to the Halloween "come and go" event was increased to $200.00

Approval was given to D. McColl, convenor for Mahjong to purchase the tiles at a cost of approximately $100 and submit the receipt to the Board.

On MOTION by G. Trepanier, SECONDED by S. GoslingFletcher, permission was granted to send $75.00 on new Wizard Cards.  CARRIED.

It was suggested that the Fund Raising event at Westland Nursery be offered to the residents with the reduced cost passed on directly to HOA members.  The merchandise will be delivered to the Cove and the Board will distribute them.

The Hall will be decorated for Christmas on November 13th, 2021.  The contest to determine the best decorated home will have a specific theme.  G, Trepanier will prepare a poster and distribute it to the Board for approval before the next Board meeting.

CLUB HOUSE DIRECTOR'S REPORT:  There is nothing to report

OMBUDSMAN'S REPORT:  There is one issue still not resolved but will continue to work on it.  There are 3 possible volunteers for the Ombudsman committe


VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT:  The telephone directory will cost about $1,500 + hst and $35 a hour for setup.  Sponsors will be sought at $300 for a full page for 5 years.ti

PRESIDENT'S REPORT:  The General Meeting went well, however, it will be necessary to have something in the By Laws to cover similar situations in the future.  (elections, membership, etc)

Tridon proposal was passed by the South Huron County and has now gone onto Huron County.  A meeting is scheduled for November 4, 2021

Budget for 2021/22 will be dealt with as necessary.

Holidays.  There was a discussion about Board members being away during the winter months and it was decided that there will always be ways of holding meetings to ensure that business was attended to.  S. GoslingFletcher is comfortable in conducting the General Meeting in January.

Poppies will be distributed next week.  According to the instructions on the back of the poppy, they are NOT to be displayed until after the last Friday in October and removed immediately following November 11. (Remembrance day)

The Operational Manuals need updating and it was decided to review one section of a manual a month, starting with the Club House.  E. Cassady is to review this section and forward comments, changes, etc to the Board before the next meeting.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Originally it was scheduled for November 14 but was changed to November 24 at 10:00 a.m. at the Jack Shack


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