Join us for a Perogy and Sausage Luncheon on Tuesday, April 19 th

from 11:30 – 1:30 in the Club House.

Monetary Donations will be accepted in lieu of a ticket price.

Tickets will be available March 25 th , April 4 th , April 6 th , April 10 th at

The Spring Social, April 11 th , April 13 th, and April 15 th .

The Homeowners’ Association will match all donations received.

The funds will be forwarded to the Canadian Red Cross Foundation

to assist the Ukrainian people who have found themselves displaced

by the war in their country.

Get a ticket, leave a monetary donation and I hope to see you at the

luncheon. Grand Cove Residents are the best!

Gidge Trepanier, Social Director


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