
Showing posts from April, 2022

New website

I nformation for New website Inbox President GCHOA 12:04 PM (6 hours ago) to bcc:  me We will be launching our new website at the General Meeting on Saturday. The website will be open to all Grand Cove Residents at 12 noon on Saturday April 30 2022. (grandcovehoa,com)  We need all the conveners that have not already sent in information about their activities to send me the information ASAP  ( )  So we can get it into the website before the launch.   Please send in detailed information about the activity so that people looking at the website will know what the activity is all about and what they need to bring with them for your activity. Thank you   -- David Feenstra President GCHOA .

Boccee Ball Reminder

  Bocce Ball Reminder Inbox President GCHOA 11:39 AM (5 hours ago) to bcc:  me Just a reminder that if you have not already contacted me that you are interested in playing Bocce Ball Please contact me by April 30 2022.  As of today we have 34 players on Tuesday and 28 players on Thursday If you are interested in playing please email me at  or cel 226-234-1534   -- David Feenstra President GCHOA .
  P erogy Luncheon Inbox Gidge Trepanier Tue, Apr 19, 3:57 PM (3 days ago) to  David ,  Gary ,  Sandy ,  me ,  Ed ,  Ruth Hi David; Can you send out the following please?   Thank you to everyone for their generous donations towards the Ukrainian Humanitarian Crisis Relief Fund.  Your donations raised $2,037.00.  Capreit will also be donating $300.00 which brings us to a total of $2,337.00.   4 Tickets were drawn for door prizes.  Hopefully you retained your half of the ticket. The winning tickets are 102; 19; 57; and 82.  Please call me at 519-238-2968 so that I can award your prizes.  If I don't hear from the winners, the prizes will be up for grabs at the upcoming Spring Social. Gidge Trepanier, Social Director   President GCHOA Tue, Apr 19, 5:36 PM (3 days ago) to bcc:  me


  Fwd: Shuffleboard Inbox President GCHOA 9:49 AM (5 hours ago) to bcc:  me                                                        SHUFFLEBOARD Welcome everyone to the fun, non-competitive sport of SHUFFLEBOARD at GRAND COVE Our court is located in front of the pool and to the side of the Clubhouse,,, we have 2 courts so we can have 8 people playing at once On the court, each team of two, will have one at each end.   There are 4 discs yellow and 4 discs black......the yellow discs are always on the right side of the court, black on left. The object of the game is for your two person team to  get the most discs to score while the other team is shooting to get yours off the court.....this can be quite tricky and angles can be played ...


  Zumba Inbox President GCHOA Wed, Apr 20, 7:46 PM (19 hours ago) to bcc:  me Hi All,  Zumba will recommence on Tuesday April  26th, at 9.15.  This is to facilitate the Coffee morning at 10 am. Our regular session will commence the following week at our usual time of 10am Denise Mouter. 5192382127 -- David Feenstra President GCHOA .

Spring Reception

  President GCHOA 11:20 AM (4 hours ago) to bcc:  me The long overdue Spring Social is scheduled for Sunday, April 24th at 2:00 p.m.  I would kindly ask that you do not plan on attending any earlier than 1:30 p.m. This will give the kitchen staff time to complete the preparations for you. A 50/50 draw will be held and two door prizes will be awarded. Thank you! Gidge Trepanier, Social Director -- David Feenstra President GCHOA .

By Law Changes

    Election Current Bylaw:   2. a)     An election will be held every year to fill positions on the Board of Directors as follows: i.           In odd numbered years (e.g. 2019) the positions of President, Recording Secretary and the Director at Large positions of Clubhouse Director and Ombudsman. ii.          In even numbered years the positions of Treasurer, Vice-President and the Director at Large positions of Senior Affairs and Social Director.         c)     Voting will take place the Friday before the June Annual Meeting and results will be announced at the June Annual meeting.   Recommended Bylaw:   2. a)     An election will be held every year to fill positions on the Board of Directors as follows: i.           In even numbered years (...